Get Out & Ride With
Ride with GPS routes from our traditional starting locations. Also a list of routes provided by our Prairie Cycle Club members. We need commuter routes to help folks get around CU. Please submit those and your other favorites to
The rides on this page start Saturday, April 20 and end Labor Day (except otherwise noted) Pace refers to the speed while riding. Our ride leaders will make every effort to maintain this advertised pace to ensure all riders are comfortable. Helmets are required with front & rear lights recommended. Eye protection, water bottle, reflective clothing, energy snack and cash are encouraged.
The Prairie Cycle Club (PCC), founded in 1971, is a local not-for-profit social group for bicyclists in Champaign and adjacent counties in Illinois. We serve a variety of bicyclists including beginning riders, recreational riders, touring cyclists, long distance riders, commuters, and racers.
Group riding skills are an important part of the fun of PCC rides, so please review the group riding skills and safety habits PCC expects of all bicyclists participating in PCC rides. The following should be considered supplements to the Illinois Bicycle Rules of the Road:
The Prairie Cycle Club (PCC), founded in 1971, is a local not-for-profit social group for bicyclists in Champaign and adjacent counties in Illinois. We serve a variety of bicyclists including beginning riders, recreational riders, touring cyclists, long distance riders, commuters, and racers.
Prairie Cycle Club
PO Box 115 • Urbana, IL 61803